It’s all about me

April 14, 2007 at 2:00 pm | Posted in Life | 6 Comments

Sorry folks, this is another ‘more information than you really wanted to know about Karen’ post.

Heather from over at Just my Life has tagged me. So here we go:

Four Jobs I Have Had:
1. IT Manager
2. Quality Manager
3. Credit Controller
4. Bookkeeper (trivia: this is the only word in the English language that features 3 double letters consecutively)

Four Movies I Have Watched Over And Over:
1. The Princess Bride
2. Pride & Predjudice
3. The Last Starfighter
4. Pirates of the Carribean

Four Places I Have Lived:
1. England (mostly in Lincolnshire)
2. Cyprus (Limassol and Famagusta)
3. Ireland (Kildare)
4. Australia (Melbourne)

Four TV Shows I Like(d) To Watch:
– I don’t watch a lot of TV these days, but I have had my favourites
1. Spicks & Specks (groovy and fun music quiz with the emphasis on laughs not winning)
2. Dr Who ( loved the old ones but find them hard to watch now. Love the new series)
3. Midsomer Murders (I want to find out where this place is)
4. Jonathon Creek (gotta love a mystery show about a guy who lives in a windmill and builds illusions for a magician for a living)

Four Places I Have Been on Vacation:
1. UK and Ireland (all over the place)
2. France (Loire, Dordogne, Provence…Paris too, but something bad usually happens to me there)
3. Italy (Rome and Northern Italy. Venice is one of my favourite places on Earth)
4. Malta (It’s where I was born and although, after the first three months, I never acually lived there it was good to have a couple of trips there to check things out)

Four Of My Favorite Foods:
1. Potatoes (especially mashed, roasted or baked). Maybe they call to the Irish in me.
2. Chocolate – one of the staples for living
3. Home made trifle – loved the ones my Mum used to make
4. Mushrooms

Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now (am writing this at work so the overall answer is really ‘pretty much anywhere’):
1. At home in my craft room or garden, maybe with a box of chocolates and a glass of port.
2. In Europe (especially Venice)
3. In Sydney visiting Seona and Phil
4. Visiting friends and family in Ireland

Four People I Will Tag:
Wendy from Doodelicious
Sylvie from Coonie and Plume
Denise from Scrapbooking with Wit
Elizabeth from QE2’s Space


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  1. Ok, I LOVED Lincolnshire. I lived in Grantham for a few months. I’d go back in a heartbeat.

  2. That’s so cool cturpen. I almost feel like I’ve found a long lost relative. I lived in Cranwell (near Sleaford), Spittalgate (near Grantham) and Ancaster(in between the two) and I went to school in Grantham at Kesteven & Grantham Grammar School.

  3. wow some pretty cool places you have been to and lived. I bought the princess bride a while back as it is one of my fav movies. I reallllly really love Midsommers Murders however it concerns me that such a small viallge as the crime rate of a city 🙂 Have enjoyed re watching the series I got on dvd.

  4. May I make you a suggestion, for the future? When you are in Europe, just let me know, maybe you put Holland and Romania on your list:)

  5. What a lovely offer Corina. Thank you very much. Actually I have been to Amsterdam, which I think is a beautifuyl elegant city. But that wouldn’t stop me from going back one day. I haven’t been to Romania. I shall research it’s charms when I’m planning my next trip (hopefully next year).

  6. I LOVED this. thanks for sharing of yourself.


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